GTB Play Page Updates: King Lear

It’s another play page update! Take yourself back to 2014, before I started drawing digitally and was still goofing around on paper with pen and pencil, and revisit my King Lear comics!

I suppose at some point I’ll go back and revise my Stick-Figure King Lear. I was doing things pretty fast and dirty back then and it could be improved in a lot of ways. But… don’t hold your breath. Lear is a miserable play and I have no desire to do anything with it anytime soon. Everything is miserable enough as it is.

Stick Figure Iconography: King John

Let’s take a look a the English king everyone forgets Shakespeare wrote a play about: King John!

Consulting pocket dramaturg: Kate Pitt

Consulting pocket dramaturg: Kate Pitt

Confession: I drew this because I just finished reading yet another popular history of the early Plantagenet kings. I will never forgive Shakespeare for not writing a play about Henry II, although The Lion in Winter more than makes up for it.

Also, they were apparently all red-headed.

GTB Play Page Updates: A Midsummer Night's Dream

Sure, maybe you remember my scene-by-scene adaptation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, but do you remember the time I re-enacted the Rude Mechanicals using Star Wars action figures?

Well, luckily for you the Midsummer Night’s Dream play page is open for business!